Does Clarify have its own technology solution?
No. Clarify works on behalf of companies who have a technology
proposition, helping them to deliver sustainable revenue streams by
providing highly qualified sales opportunities and improving the flow of
quality information into their sales team.
Will I be closing any business?
No. Whilst a full range of sales skills are required to be successful
in the Sales Executive role, the size and complexity of the
opportunities you will be seeking to identify are such that you carry
out a portion of the sales process, but not to the point of close.
Does it matter that I do not have an IT related qualification, or
that I am not 'technically aware'?
Our customers solutions are business led, meaning that they solve
business problems - we are therefore looking to engage with business
people to have business led conversations... Whilst the training will
ensure you understand the landscape of the enterprise technology
marketplace, a lack of existing technical knowledge will not hold you
Must I be a graduate?
No, Clarify are looking for applicants of graduate calibre, but this
does not necessarily mean they must have a degree. Ultimately,
candidates with the right skills, attributes and personality will
succeed over those with the best academic record.
I want to get into field sales. How quickly will this happen if I
become a Sales Executive at Clarify?
Clarify operate at the top-end of a business-to-business sales
environment, working on complex, high value technology deals. It takes
several years for even the very best candidates to develop the skills
necessary to begin selling face to face in this sector. Contact with
Clarify's existing customers is the first step, which will happen within
a year; continual development is the only way to progress further!