by Daniella on 24 November 2015 21:04

I am slowly making my way through applications to graduate schemes (in the civil engineering industry), this is a question that applies to anyone who's ever applied to a job or received applications.
I trip up where it comes to entering 'restrictions on geographical mobility'. The company I am applying to has locations covering an area in the midlands but the closest town to me is 2.5 hours drive away (I do not yet have a driving license either so the commute would take longer).
I know of people who have been supported in terms of accommodation by the company they work for, due to working far away from their home town.
This question is on the first page of the application (which I have spent weeks on and do not want to balls up at this late stage).

MY question is, in this 'geographical restrictions' section, do I:
A) Ask for help with living arrangements up front
B) Do I give a preference for where I'd like to work and assume they'll realise that it's not feasible for me to commute
C) Tell them I will need to find alternative accommodation but NOT ask for support (even though I will need it)

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