by Annie B on 27 January 2015 20:30
I graduated with a 2:1 in geography from the University of Gloucestershire in 2013! I am still so unsure of what I would like to do and its getting me down :( Im feeling very uninspired.I am looking for any thing really that will just give me some focus,be it a project abroad,work experience,post grad courses or any career ideas...
Within my degree sector I am interested in wildlife conservation,planning and international development and quite enjoyed aspects of G.I.S.However im not limited to geography related things im happy to look into other sectors just need to get some ideas!!!!! Im very interested in doing a masters but need to find something that would lead to an actual job if thats possible...and I really would like to travel....
by Gradstrategy on 01 June 2015 18:31
Hi Annie B,
Not knowing what you like to do can be frustrating, but is common. If you are in that situation you have to see it as an opportunity to discover who you are and what you like.
What work experience have you had to date? How can you package your transferable skills so you can land yourself a role with travel, planning, conservation and international travel? Which companies could you approach and how would you sell what you can do for them and why they should hire 'YOU'.
Doing a Masters to buy time with the hope that you will become more employable is not always the best solution.
I hope that gets you thinking about what you need to be doing.
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