by Hix on 22 March 2012 13:16
hi i've suddenly been invited to 2 assessment centres and having not been to one before, I have no idea how they work or the insides of what 'not to do' etc so if anyone has been to one before, what advice would you give!? Thank you!
by dixon on 24 March 2012 10:51
ive recently been to two assessment centres and i have another one to come. it's not as scary as you might think if you keep a positive attitude all the time you are there. act naturally but don't forget that you are being watched at all time. interact with all people there and it'll help to release the pressure. have a very good night before and instead of reading, talk to people around because you'll need it the all time you'll be assessment centre is not the end of the world so imagine it as if it was your first day in an office! hope this might help a bit. thanks
by Tunde on 24 March 2012 16:58
You need to give it your best. It's a competition among everyone that would be invited. Interact with others but have it behind your mind that the employers are watching every step you make and they read meaning to it.
by CarlK on 04 April 2012 15:52
Yeah, i've found that just being yourself, be polite and smile is the best way to go! Everyone is inthe same boat and they tend to be all friendly so just make sure you have done enough research! There was one I went to and kicked myself as didn't do as much as I could have, so had to really blag some questions!
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