by GemJones88 on 07 April 2012 22:20
Moving to London in a couple of months will graudate in June and got a job in Hammersmith.
Looking for somewhere to live with some mates, is there a student area in London like there is in say Leeds or Sheffield?
by Wisdom on 10 April 2012 12:32
Congrats for securing a new job. Just for you to know Hammersmith is very expensive in terms of rent. But there are deals to share houses. Not sure about student palces. This is west London.Good luck.
by GemJones88 on 11 April 2012 18:09
Thanks Wisdom muchas appreciated.
by Jkan1 on 12 April 2012 17:05
Generally speaking, East London is cheaper to live if that is of any help!
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