by John on 31 August 2011 09:58
I have applied for loads of graduate marketing positions in the last month, both large and small companies and not got any feedback apart from a couple of thanks for your application emails. Is it me or has anyone else not had feedback? Bit annoyed, as I feel like I am just applying for jobs for no reason.
by Daniel on 01 September 2011 09:19
I have found that feedback is pretty hard to come by.. What i have started doing however which seems to work and they seem to take notice of is following up with a phonecall or an e-mail to chase how they are processing your application and to check whether your CV has been received. It shows that little bit of extra desire and passion for the job which at the end of the day EVERY employer wants to see so try doing that where possible. Otherwise i think what tends to happen is your CV gets lost among the numerous applications for every role.
by John on 01 September 2011 17:42
Thanks for the advise Daniel. I did try that once before as my mate was doing that for a couple of his jobs and he suggested I do the same. When I phoned I got a bit of harsh reply of "Thanks fo your application, but we will contact you if we have any feedback to give!" She didn't even take my name down or anything! Maybe I caugth her on a bad day or loads of us were doing the same thing, but it did scare me off from doing it again. Obviously I want to stand out from the rest of the crowd, but also don't want to hassle them or worse piss them off!
by Gary on 02 September 2011 16:14
I know this feeling all too well. Employers have no obligation to give feedback, or even to tell you that your application was unsuccessful. It's very frustrating though, as it's difficult to improve if you have no idea where you're going wrong! I genuinely have no idea if it's my CV, covering letter, or just that these firms think that I'm entirely inappropriate! I would start up with the phoning/ emailing again. The worst that can happen is that you get a gruff response. At best you might find out if you were unsuccessful and can then focus on other jobs! Hopefully we both have better luck soon!
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