by Josephine on 31 October 2011 14:22
I am wanting to go into a job environmental related. I know this is quite a specific area but finding it hard to broaden my choices and not sure what kind of jobs are out there to do with this. I would be thankful for some help :)
by Mike on 03 November 2011 11:24
Although you may think jobs relating to environmental issues fall into a very specific area the job prospects within that space are diverse. you could work for conservation groups or charities pushing for a cleaner environment or businesses looking to be more environmentally friendly. any company that takes raw material out of the ground nowadays must demonstrate that they are minimising their impact on the environment so companies like shell, BP will have a large sector dedicated to environmental issues. You need to really do some research into what aspect of protecting the environment you wish to get involved in and whether this fits into the lifestyle you wish to have. Any job related to protecting the environment, sustainability or many aspects of charity will be very competitive as many people have the aspiration to pursue a career where they will be benefiting the community/environment.
by Lucy on 03 November 2011 18:20
I am in a similar position to you and would also love some guidance on this. However, what I would recommend to you is to get some work experience (unfortunately it will probably have to be voluntary) with a small local company and this will help you start networking - I did an internship and met so many people who offered me help in the future. With regards to larger companies' graduate schemes, there isn't really much on offer as far as I can tell - the way forward is probably just contacting lots and lots of small/medium companies.
by Naddy on 14 November 2011 12:49
I agree with you lucy, best thing I would say is to try and get a mentor from your uni or from the people you start networking with. I did this and really does help based on what they have done to get where they are.
by kenneth Olubusi on 19 November 2011 09:25
Hi all I just want to buttress what you guys have being talking about with respect to Environmental jobs, I did environmental Science at masters level and its very hard to get a job and now I volunteer with City of Edinburgh council in the Conservation area but this is not really related to Environmental Science but its all I can get here but still job is still hard to come by so am just confused and start thinking that I might have done a wrong course . Maybe you guys can help further please.
by Matthew on 20 November 2011 23:41
I am exactly the same. I graduated in the summer and still nothing, however I have found that spending a few days doing some research into a few companies and phoning them to lobby them about internships/work experience works a treat. After that look at everything that surrounds the issue/company, so for me it was Architecture/Landscape Architecture as I would like to get into Environmental planning. I have contacted a few people from the architecture industry and seem to have got a positive reply from everyone whilst making a few contact on the way.
I find that phoning people is best, email is a no go unless you have talked to them before, much more personal.
Hope this helps & good luck.
by molly on 21 November 2011 11:01
Hi guys im an interior design graduate. unfortunately for me this is a luxury career and given the current economic climate there are very few jobs around. luckily i secured an excellent placement with a development company which has given me experience in a number of design related fields.i have always intended to go on and complete my part two but as architecture also has very high rates on employment i believe finically its not worth my while.. i have always had a great interest in sustainability especially in the built environment and im now considering a postgrad in environmental assessment and management at brighton university. im hoping this type of course will open many doors for me and considering how the future is going i hope there will be lots of green collar jobs available. Does anyone have any knowledge about this type of career? or could you recommend another area which is closely linked to construction industry?!
by Damien on 23 November 2011 23:56
well said. I too have applied to graduate schemes with no success, so i think the only real viable way to gain experience is to try and gain internships with small medium size companys. Good luck folks
by Fernando Rebelo on 26 December 2011 18:15
Hey guys, I also had a very difficult time searching for a graduate job in the UK. I had a BSc (Hons) in Biology with 2 years working experience before starting my MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development in MMU.
I finished my MSc in 2009 and until March 2011 (when I gave up to search jobs in the UK) I only had 1 job interview. People wouldnt even bother to repply my emails :(
I felt horrible because I knew that I had sector specific experience and I also did some volunteering for a Consultancy in Manchester. Well, none of that helped so I realised that the preoblem was because I am mix-raced and I am not British...
So, after seeing that withing 6 months of finishing my MSc, all the 6 White English students got a graduate job and none of the 5 non-white foreigner students got a single interview... and after a tutor who offered a white student a job (which he did not take it because he found a job a week before) told me that he did not know of any vacancies I decided to give up and try to work my way up in a retail career...
Things did not go great too... I seen many white people with less experience that me being promoted and my hardwork not being rewarded... so, I decided to look for a job in my Banrupted country Portugal... sent 5 CVs, got 4 interviews and 2 job offers :)
Even though I was not good enough to work in a Swatch shop, Nike shop, Adidas shop, to be promoted to Assitant Manager in the Bench Shop in Manchester, I got a job as Assistant Researcher in the University of Lisbon...
...and now, I was hired as an Environmental Consultant in Prague and I dont even speak the language... but I am learning I know that even though though I was only good to rubbish jobs in England, I will do an amazing work in my new job :)
by kbadu on 03 January 2012 02:05
hi guys, i finished my MSc in environmental management, Associate member of IEMA, mentored by Nottingham environmental agency, and have 9 months voluntary work experience in england, still i cant find a graduate job because am not British. i have given up on job search in england have moved my attention to my country of origin at least, and i know that i would get a job before the quarter of the year, please folks, if you are not British just forget about searching for environmental jobs cos they re not for immigrants anymore.
by Sammy on 03 January 2012 14:04
I totally agree with you. I finished my MSc in Civil and Structural Engineering in 2010 and have only being to 2 interviews which they never even bothered to contact me after the interview with the results. I have sent numerous CV's to uncountable companies to no SUCCESS.. I decided to go to my former college and requested to do a volunteering role as a teaching/ lecturer assistant and through that an opportunity arose which i got offered a role as a HOURLY PAID Lecturer leading hopefully to a full time role ...i therefore seriously wonder WHY WASTE ALL THE TIME to a do a degree and masters in Engineering therefore teaching MATHS which i could have done without even doing the engineering course.. i have come to realise that as a foreigner, you hardly have a chance .... (not as they put it)
by Rosie Beale on 05 January 2012 09:34
I have been looking for HR schemes and came across Nestle but see that they also have an environmental related scheme too which may be useful for people posting here? Hope this helps!
by brent parry on 20 July 2012 11:05
Hi all, Just graduated as mature student with 2:1 Geological Sciences, there seems to be lots of jobs but very few employers take graduates, any ideas ? :(
by Tired of searching on 30 July 2012 21:50
Don't be disheartened. It is not because you are foreign. British employers are just struggling. As an Environmental Science grad with a 1st class hons, a masters and a year of experience, I STILL can't find anything which is within my environmental interests (marine/climate/analysis) and hope the situation picks up soon! Is it really too much to ask to be remotely appreciated or fulfilled in your work? I have broadened my search on numerous occasions to no avail. Where am I going wrong!? Is everyone else just settling for mediocre roles?
by Hugh on 29 October 2012 19:24
Hi all,
I graduated about 5 years ago with a 2nd class degree in Wildlife conservation/conservation biology at the ripe old age of 31. Previous to this I had worked full time for two national environmental charitable trusts for at least 3 years. Since graduating 5 years ago, I have done perhaps another 2 years of volunteering for organisations in the field, but I have still been unable despite 1000's of app's nationally to find a paid vacancy back in the sector. Out of all these app's i have only had 3 interviews, and most never replied at all.
The problems with environmental/conservation sector at the moment are (as i see it) the economy (environmental projects are seen as a luxury by business when cashflow is low), The increase in full time unpaid internships in the industry as a way of getting free labour & skills/knowledge (lets face it, its not a job its volunteering!), and lastly 'the big society' encourages retired & semi-retired people to take up volunteering often the first place they head is the environmental groups. This means businesses don't need to hire people at the lower end because they have lots of people willing to do that work for free!.
I gave up looking hard for an employer last year and have found it easier and less stressful to set up a little business of my own, putting me in control and removing myself from the volunteering trap. Remember most organisations will sadly dangle the golden carrot of a 'paid job' is coming soon in front of you to keep you working for free.
by brent on 27 November 2012 13:45
Well Ive recently completed a Geoscience BSc and gained a 2:1 hons yet after applying for hundreds of jobs i have had only one interview. Im Beginning to think it may be my age, 44
by Geo enviro on 29 November 2012 00:23
Hi, to the geological sciences grads having trouble, have you come across Gardline? They're one of the few who take those with no/degree level experience, as long as you're eager+interested. P.s. I gave up looking for environmental jobs after 3 years hunting, with a 1st class hons, plus a related masters. I'm white-British but there just aren't the jobs there which were promised pre 2006 (unless you care for asbesdos removal work). Good luck all.
by sean low on 28 December 2012 15:59
I recently graduated with a 2:2 in geography from Glamorgan university. i have very quickly realised that with a 2:2 it is pretty much impossible to get on a graduate scheme as they are all asking for at least a 2:1.
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