by Michael on 09 June 2013 10:06
Please, I need help/guidance. How do you all pass your numerical and verbal tests? I know it's based on practise. But my goodness, I have practised so hard and so much, still can't make the scale. Is it just certain people that can do this?
Been doing them so much now that I tend to feel dizzy anytime I'm doing them these days. As an engineering graduate, I used to find them easy. But now, 3 years after graduation, don't know what on earth is going on.
Any suggestions? All will be greatly appreciated.
by John on 10 June 2013 12:44
I have just recently done these tests and got my self a couple of interviews. As you have been doing keep practising but when it comes to the verbal tests read the question before the information - it saves a lot of time.
The numerical tests are easier for me as I am a mathematics graduate, I can't really help much with these but just concentrate, find out what the question is asking and if you're taking a long time to answer the question, unless you know you're 100% right, then guess at an answer that seems reasonable (out of the 5).
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