HR Assistant (Placement Role)
Interview process
To apply to the HR Assistant role I had to submit my CV and Covering letter to the HR department. After this I was contacted to attend an assessment center. The assessment center started at 9am and finished at 4pm however candidates were sent home at lunch time if there were not successful. The day started with an ice breaker which consisted of a shield exercise where you had to answer the following questions about yourself. Your biggest achievement, your role model, your career ambition and a quote you live your life by. After the ice breaker we took part in a group exercise for 45 minutes surrounding health initiatives for the company. The final activity of the day was a "About Me" presentation which we had to prepare for the day. This was presented to four of the HR department. After lunch three successful candidates were asked to go through to the interview stage. There were two interviews, one focusing on competency questions and one on your personality.
Most difficult question
After the "About Me" presentation the panel asked questions about the company and why you wanted to work for Computacenter so it is key to research the company before the assessment day.
Interview tips
The interviews were relaxed and the interviewers were friendly. The question were focused on previous work experience but they understood if you did not have any previous experience within HR. I would advise others to be yourself and enjoy the day.
Experiences at the assessment centre
There were 8 people attending the assessment day and three candidates stayed after lunch through to the next stage. I enjoyed the whole day as it was well organised and the atmosphere was relaxed.
Interview steps
- Phone
- 1:1
- Group / Panel
- Senior Management
- Video
- Numerical
- Personality
- Verbal reasoning
- Psychometric
- Assessment centre
- Group exercise
- Background check
- Presentation
- Competency based questions