Marcus Evans - Trainee Sales Executive
Interview process
My initial phone interview was with the manager of the summits division (the division in which i would be working)which lasted around 15 minutes. We ran through my CV and I was asked generic questions like what I knew about the company, why I want to pursue a career in sales, why I would be successful in such a role etc. I was successful at this stage and was invited back for a one to one interview at their head office in London with the same person. Again the interview took the same format asking similar questions, however at one stage we did a bit of role play where i was asked to sell him a holiday package. A few days later i recieved a phone call inviting me back for a second interview which was to be held with the CEO of the company. I was told to prepare a sales pitch and sent some information over to help with this. This was the final stage of the process and was simply doing a pitch with the CEO with a few simple questions similar to that asked in the first interview.
Most difficult question
When asked on the spot to do role play of how i would go about selling him a holiday package
Interview tips
Be well prepared and you should be fine. Make sure you know the company, what they do, their competitors and why it is you want to have a career in sales. Also make sure you have a clear understanding of what motivates you and what you career aspirations are.
Experiences at the assessment centre
Prepare a sales pitch as if i was selling the product to one of their clients
Interview steps
- Phone
- 1:1
- Group / Panel
- Senior Management
- Video
- Numerical
- Personality
- Verbal reasoning
- Psychometric
- Assessment centre
- Group exercise
- Background check
- Presentation
- Competency based questions