National Express - Graduate Management Trainee - Operations
Interview process
The interview was conducted by a Manager who was previously a Graduate trainee and a HR officer. The Manager did most of the talking whilst the HR Officer made some notes. The questions started off fairly simple, what do you know about National Express. Then when they got into the competency based questions, they were predominantly based on teamwork, organisation and project management. One thing I noticed was that the questions are very similar to each other. I found that I had answered the questions in previous questions. They are pretty much what is expected: why do you want to work for us, name a time when you got someone to share your thoughts, name a time when you persuaded someone to follow your views etc etc. It was a fairly laidback interview. It was more of a conversation, the interviewer was engaging in dialogue when I responded.
Most difficult question
Name a time when you've gone above and beyond the call of duty?
Interview tips
When compiling the presentation, make sure you know what you are talking about and then make sure you know what you are talking about. Relax and enjoy the day, make the most of the resources. There are a lot of exec members there on the days, as well as current and previous graduates. Use them and their knowledge!
Experiences at the assessment centre
the day was staggered for each of us, at different points of the day we were taken to do different things. The day started off with an introduction from the one of the Exec Team, briefing us for the day and National Express. The group task was essentially a situation based case study, we had 15mins individual time to read the case study, then 30 mins to discuss as a group and reach a conclusion with 10mins to feedback.
We had to give a 15 min presentation on the pre-allocated topic that was highlighted in the invite email.
We had to give a 15 min presentation on the pre-allocated topic that was highlighted in the invite email.
Interview steps
- Phone
- 1:1
- Group / Panel
- Senior Management
- Video
- Numerical
- Personality
- Verbal reasoning
- Psychometric
- Assessment centre
- Group exercise
- Background check
- Presentation
- Competency based questions