Junior Account Manager - Internship
Interview process
The 20 minute telephone interview took part with a Senior Digital Account Manager and it was general but also competency based and also a chance for the interviewer to describe the role in more detail and a chance to ask questions at the end. Questions started out like "tell me about your CV". Because I had completed 3 Internships over the past year after graduating, it was clear I had to explain my transition from a Mathematics degree to a career in Digital Marketing. Others were competency questions like "Describe which was the best team you worked in" and also "Describe the worst team you worked in and what would you do to improve the situation". There were also questions based directly on past work experience like "What is the worst task you've ever had to do"
Most difficult question
I found the interview quite difficult because questions like "Why have you chosen Amazon" should have been prepared for but I was under prepared for this question. In the view of the consumer, Amazon is a strong and powerful brand. But it terms of why I would want to work for Amazon in the digital sense, it was difficult to answer without sounding extremely cheesy.
Interview tips
It would be very useful to prepare to be asked the question "Why this company" - the answers that best come to mind is that they are big or have high profits or a well known brand. Although this is true, it may not be the same as wanting to work for them and how the job that is applied for is actually more appealing because of the company it's for. There will be the same jobs over different companies, but the trick is to find reasons why that company appeals for that particular job.
Experiences at the assessment centre
Interview steps
- Phone
- 1:1
- Group / Panel
- Senior Management
- Video
- Numerical
- Personality
- Verbal reasoning
- Psychometric
- Assessment centre
- Group exercise
- Background check
- Presentation
- Competency based questions