Boom in IT roles for graduates

In the developing, digital age, there has been a boom for graduate employers looking to graduates to fill a range of digital roles.
According to the new data from graduate research organisation, High Fliers, there will be a boom in opportunities for graduates looking for a career in Information Technology. According to data, 53% of the top employers looking to employ graduates this year will have vacancies for Computing and IT related roles. These were not just limited to companies with ventures directly related to IT, but over half of the 100 companies, from 17 different sectors, responded to High Fliers saying they were interested in graduates for IT careers.
This is not unprecedented either, with IT related roles showing growth in the last few years. Between the years 2013 and 2014, the need for IT graduates rose by 13.7%. An increase of 600 in September 2013 to 830 in July 2014.
And the demand is not just limited to the typical technology or computing sectors. In 2014, High Fliers found that leading the demand was the Media sector, increasing their demand by 43.9%. Other sectors also needing more IT related graduates were the Consultancy sectorEngineering and Industrial sector with 20.8%.
The High Fliers survey covers the top 100 graduate employers as voted for by The Times. The overall feedback from the report was that the graduate job market was experiencing its largest growth for ten years. This was illustrated by a growth of 8.1% in vacancies for 2015.
By James Howell
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