What's the average salary for graduates in the Education & Teaching sector 2025?
As of March 2025 the average starting salary for Education & Teaching graduates is
The average graduate starting salary in the
in 2025 is
When should I apply for a graduate job in Education & Teaching?
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Education & Teaching sector were posted during
May and
November, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
How hard is it to get a graduate job in the Education & Teaching sector?
Based on our data, graduate-jobs.com would suggest that it's "relatively difficult" to get a graduate job in the Education & Teaching sector compared to some other industry sectors - March 2025.
Do I need a 2.1 to get a job in the Education & Teaching sector?
Based on our data, we suggest there's a "strong likelihood you would" require a 2.1 in order to get a job in Education & Teaching - March 2025.
Where are the most graduate Education & Teaching jobs located in the UK?
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Education & Teaching jobs posted to graduate-jobs.com were located in
Is Education & Teaching a popular career choice for UK students and graduates?
The Education & Teaching sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the
Teachers play a vital role in the development of children, and a career in Education and Teaching can come in a
variety of forms.
Graduates interested in pursuing the traditional classroom route of Teaching will require an excellent degree
classification in a related field such as English, Science or Maths. Education is an increasingly competitive field,
so a classification of 2:1 or higher may be required, though some postgraduate courses will accept a 2:2.
Some less traditional routes which still offer many of the same challenges and rewards as Education and Teaching
include counselling, tutoring, student welfare and children's programming at community centres, museums or
How to Get a Job in Education
Candidates should display the following:
1. Relevant degree
A degree in English, History, Science or Maths is perfect for teaching at primary and secondary levels, while other
specialised degrees may be relevant to specific teaching posts. Whatever the subject, applicants should demonstrate a
thorough grasp of the material.
2. Experience working with children
In any educational sphere, experience working with children is a must. This could comprise volunteer work with a
local children's initiative, part-time work at a nursery centre or a summer spent as an au pair. It is important for
candidates to be able to show employers that they are able to manage and communicate with children effectively, and
understand their specific requirements.
3. Experience teaching, tutoring or running educational groups
Tutoring and similar experience gives graduates the opportunity to explore one-on-one teaching, and puts them in
good stead to demonstrate the necessary skills to succeed in a career in education. Many PGCE programs will include
placements designed to give graduates this kind of experience.
4. Excellent communication skills
Teachers must be comfortable speaking in front of groups and be effective at communicating with younger students.
Children in particular are learning to develop their own means of communication, and it is important that graduates
going into education are able to converse with students in a productive and clear manner.
Graduates in education are also expected to possess excellent written communication skills in order to mark work,
assemble lesson plans and provide progress reports to parents.
5. Time management skills
One of the essential skills for all employment, the ability to manage schedules and plan ahead is vital for
teachers. Traditional classroom teachers will be looking months down the line to develop and execute lesson
Candidates can demonstrate their time management skills by outlining their own experiences developing study
schedules and sticking to them.
Related Fields
Graduates interested in Education and Teaching are not restricted to the traditional classroom route. There are
many fields related to education which offer similar careers.
Education positions related to teaching include:
Nursery or after school education centres
Centres like Explore Learning give graduates the opportunity to not only work closely with children in an
educational capacity, but to manage a business as well, which may appeal to candidates who want to do more than just
stand in front of a class.
Graduates interested in going into this type of work need to possess both education and business skills. Experience
working with children is valuable, as is any business-related experience. Career progression in this field can be very
profitable and allow successful candidates a chance to be involved in meeting educational needs outside of the
national curriculum.
Graduates interested in pursuing a career in counselling must have a solid grasp of the relevant theories and
practices, such as from a Psychology degree. They must also demonstrate skills such as communication, setting out
structured plans and educational techniques to enhance the work they do with attendees.
Student welfare
Student welfare may include working with students at higher education levels and dealing with financial or legal
issues. The skills developed working in student welfare can be applicable if candidates choose to return to education
at a later stage.
For these roles, interpersonal skills are essential. Communication is vital, as is knowledge of procedure and
relevant laws and policies such as study visas or benefits.
Local authorities
Local authorities often have positions dealing with child engagement and participation, and coordinating
initiatives between councils and schools. These jobs offer graduates the chance to work closely with education systems
and organisations without being limited to the classroom. Positions might entail visiting schools and leading groups
or teaching children about new council or government programmes.
Children's programming
Many organisations and centres offer extensive children's programming, including museums and galleries, leisure
centres, libraries, zoos and aquariums. The coordination of these programmes requires specialist knowledge of the
topics and subject matter, and many positions include the chance to engage directly with children leading tours and
answering questions. Graduates with specialised degrees and a passion for education may want to consider a position in
children's programming, as it can offer the opportunity for them to share their excitement for their specific
Education & Teaching Case Studies
The role is very people focused, we are looking for people who can instantly build rapport.
The Employer - Emily Wilson (Graduate Recruitment Manager - Explore Learning)
Name: Emily Wilson Job Title: Graduate Recruitment Manager - Explore Learning University: University of Portsmouth Course: Creative Arts & Media
What competencies do you like to see in candidates?
We look for people who will be positive role models for children. One of the most important things are
interpersonal skills, whether they're confident, can build rapport and show enthusiasm. We also look for them to
have strong academic backgrounds from GCSEs to degree level.
Can you talk us through the application process?
They start by submitting a full application which consists of a cover letter, application form and CV.
If they are unsuccessful at this point we always provide constructive feedback outlining why. If successful they
will progress to a telephone interview or face to face interview at one of our centres and the final stage is an
assessment day at our Head Office.
What is the most common mistake you see in an application that leads to candidates being rejected?
Candidates often rush their applications and don't tailor them. People who give very brief generic
answers to the application form questions tend to really undersell themselves and not draw fully on their
transferable experiences.
What is the main piece of advice you would give a graduate entering the sector?
The role is very people focused so we want to see that candidates have the confidence and ability to
really sell themselves. We are looking for people to come into the business and promote our centres so we need them
to be able to sell their skills first.
What's the main challenge graduates face when they start?
It's quite overwhelming sometimes. They come into a management position and they are trying to juggle
all aspects of the role. They might find the sales side of the role difficult as they were originally interested in
Where do you see company in two years' time?
We currently plough our profits back into opening new centres; by March 2014 we will be opening our
first centre abroad, in Dallas Texas. As well as international expansion we are looking to launch a further 15-20
new centres each year in the UK.
The Employee - Melissa Pitt (Centre Director - Explore Learning)
Name: Melissa Pitt Job Title: Centre Director - Explore Learning University: Brunel University Course: Psychology Bsc (4yr) Graduation Year: 2010
How did you find your graduate job in Education?
I used advanced searches to help match my skills to job specifications. Using keywords from my degree I
would find jobs that were more applicable and I knew that I could get.
Why do you think you were successful at Explore Learning?
I was tutoring at Explore before I applied for the full time role. When I attended the Assessment Day I
realised there were candidates from all different experiences and backgrounds. I did modules in child psychology and
development with my degree but also had some project management work with BT which involved working in more of a
business environment.
What do you actually do?
I work 5 days a week and during the day we run workshops, speak to parents, arrange advertising and
marketing and generally see to the needs of the business, after 3pm we open for our members and I'll be tutoring as
well as mentoring part time staff and chatting to parents.
What skills do you need?
People might be amazing at maths but can't explain it to a child. If they've got the mentality and the
patience, you can take it from there. We find at Explore that you get a lot of different people, but they all have
similar mind sets and attitudes.
What is the best thing about your job?
What I find most rewarding is when you can track how much progress a child has made. When you get the
chance to sit down and help someone with their handwriting or times tables. If not that, it's when we do workshops
in schools. We take a class of thirty or so for an hour and make maths exciting for them. They want hugs and high
fives at the end!
What is the worst thing about your job?
I'd say time management. You can be tutoring 6 pupils at a time and having to juggle the business side
of things. As a Centre Director you have to be aware of all 320 children and what their needs are.
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
We are always striving to get our staff to the next level. I am looking at getting involved with the
curriculum, more training and adding to my own skill set. I'd potentially like to launch a new centre, to source the
demand and establish a centre in a community.
What advice would you give to graduates applying to Explore Learning?
It's not about the degree or work background, but the skills you can offer. We get CVs here from people
who want to be tutors. One thing we note is when a CV or covering letter is tailored to the role. We get CVs that
are too generic and don't show why that person would be good at the role.
If you want to find out more about Explore learning, please take a look at their company profile.