Graduate Recruitment Consultant
G2V Recruitment Group Ltd
22,500 - 45,000
West Midlands, Birmingham

As of March 2025 the average starting salary for Property graduates is £28121. The average graduate starting salary in the UK in 2025 is £29789.
The latest graduate salary analysis 2025
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Property sector were posted during March and February, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
Based on our data, would suggest that it's "challenging" to get a graduate job in the Property sector compared to some other industry sectors - March 2025.
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Property jobs posted to were located in Birmingham and Norwich
The Property sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the UK .
Which are the most popular industry sectors for graduates today?
Most graduates already have the skills necessary to pursue a career in Property. The sector often involves working closely with people and conducting office and administration work, and can offer a varied and interesting career.
There are a variety of roles available for graduates in Property, ranging from Mortgage Advisor to Estate Agent and Maintenance, as well as roles which have considerable crossover with Architecture and Construction. Done well, these positions can offer rewarding careers. Most jobs do not require a specific degree, but competition can be intense, so graduates should emphasise relevant aspects of their education.
Graduates can apply many of the skills they've developed in previous employment and during their academic studies to working in property.
Candidates should display the following:
Communication is the key to success in the Property sector. Candidates need to be able to communicate effectively with both colleagues, clients and customers. Excellent written communication is important when conducting business with clients, producing information for customers and handling official documentation over property leases and deeds. Strong verbal communication will help a candidate speak clearly and with confidence to both colleagues and clients.
Presentations, essays and reports done while at university are excellent examples of the required skills.
People skills can make a candidate stand out from the crowd, as Property workers must be comfortable dealing with different personalities and must be able to understand their clients' expectations and needs.
Candidates can demonstrate their interpersonal skills by drawing upon experience in a Customer Service role, such a behind a bar or working in retail, or by finding ways to show that they understand exactly what their employer is looking for.
Negotiations and sales are what bring money into businesses like Mortgage Providers and Estate Agencies, so an understanding of the techniques used to manage sales is important. Confidence, product knowledge and an understanding of the client are essential for any Estate Agent or Mortgage Advisor. Negotiation and sales is about relating to customers and clients on their level while keeping business goals in mind.
Candidates can provide examples of negotiations undertaken with Student Unions or other student bodies, or refer to instances when they had to pitch an idea to a student paper or a tutor.
A strong grasp of maths and a head for figures is vital for succeeding in many areas of the Property sector. Applicants must be able to work with valuations, sales figures and mortgage payments.
Graduates can provide evidence of their numeracy skills by showing work experience involving handling cash or sales figures. Evidence of good qualifications in Maths can go a long way, as well - employers will likely not expect a degree or A Level in the subject, but a good GCSE score is beneficial.
Property is a busy industry, and many roles require workers to balance appointments and site visits with office and administrative work. Good organisational skills are essential to keep track of the constant changes and negotiations.
Graduates can cite their experience developing study schedules and balancing school with extracurricular activities as proof of their ability to multi-task and stay organised.