What's the average salary for graduates in the Telecommunications sector 2025?
As of March 2025 the average starting salary for Telecommunications graduates is
The average graduate starting salary in the
in 2025 is
When should I apply for a graduate job in Telecommunications?
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Telecommunications sector were posted during
July and
January, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
How hard is it to get a graduate job in the Telecommunications sector?
Based on our data, graduate-jobs.com would suggest that it's "relatively difficult" to get a graduate job in the Telecommunications sector compared to some other industry sectors - March 2025.
Do I need a 2.1 to get a job in the Telecommunications sector?
Based on our data, we suggest there's a "strong likelihood you would" require a 2.1 in order to get a job in Telecommunications - March 2025.
Where are the most graduate Telecommunications jobs located in the UK?
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Telecommunications jobs posted to graduate-jobs.com were located in
Is Telecommunications a popular career choice for UK students and graduates?
The Telecommunications sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the
Telecommunications covers many different fields, including Television, Radio, Telephone and the Internet. The rapid
development of mass medias and other technological advancements mean that opportunities in this sector are constantly
expanding, and can offer rewarding careers for those able to work their way up.
Roles in the Telecommunications industry can include developing new technologies, installing and maintaining
telecommunications systems, and providing customer support. Like many sectors, some of the roles offered centre around
general business functions such as sales, marketing and brand communications.
The Telecommunications sector prioritizes technical knowledge and skills. Graduates will need to possess practical
skills and experience working with telecommunications systems or the technology involved. Candidates may be required
to provide relevant qualifications in order to be considered for the role.
How to Get a Job in Telecommunications
Some skills will help set graduates apart in the Telecommunications sector.
Candidates should display the following:
1. Technical proficiency
Much of the work in Telecommunications requires applicants to harness computers, networks, lines and long-distance
communication systems, and technical proficiency is essential for these roles. Depending on the job, graduates may be
required to provide evidence of their technical skills through relevant qualifications such as a BSc in Computer
Science or a BEng in Telecommunications Engineering. Candidates may also be expected to display a fundamental
understanding of the concepts behind programming languages and how to work with them.
2. Knowledge of the latest technologies
Candidates applying to this sector should be aware of the latest technological advancements and their impact on the
industry. For example, a candidate applying at a mobile telecommunications company should be aware of the influence of
4G on the company's operations and products. If a graduate has put in the time to research the company's projects and
consider them in relation to industry development, employers are sure to be impressed.
3. Problem solving skills
Solving problems is a major part of working in Telecommunications. Whether the role involves customer support or
implementing networks and systems, knowing how to identify problems, assess possible solutions and figure out the best
option is a vital skill. Candidates can provide examples of university projects or volunteer computer work which
required them to use lateral thinking to accomplish a seemingly impossible task.
4. Customer service skills
Many of the graduate jobs available in the Telecommunications sector involve customer service, often providing
technical advice to the general public. Candidates should know how to speak and conduct themselves in order to
maintain excellent customer relations. While the field may vary, the key components are simple: candidates should be
polite, confident, patient, and capable of understanding the needs of the client.
5. Strong communication
Graduates working in the Telecommunications industry must be able to relate information to different people through
a variety of channels, which means that good communication skills are essential. Both written and oral communication
need to be clear, succinct and appropriate for the recipient. Candidates must demonstrate these skills throughout the
application process, including on their CV and in phone and face-to-face interviews.