What's the average salary for graduates in the Travel & Hospitality sector 2025?
As of March 2025 the average starting salary for Travel & Hospitality graduates is
The average graduate starting salary in the
in 2025 is
When should I apply for a graduate job in Travel & Hospitality?
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Travel & Hospitality sector were posted during
May and
April, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
How hard is it to get a graduate job in the Travel & Hospitality sector?
Based on our data, graduate-jobs.com would suggest that it's "challenging" to get a graduate job in the Travel & Hospitality sector compared to some other industry sectors - March 2025.
Do I need a 2.1 to get a job in the Travel & Hospitality sector?
Based on our data, we suggest there's a "strong likelihood you wouldn't" require a 2.1 in order to get a job in Travel & Hospitality - March 2025.
Where are the most graduate Travel & Hospitality jobs located in the UK?
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Travel & Hospitality jobs posted to graduate-jobs.com were located in
Alderton, Blisworth
Is Travel & Hospitality a popular career choice for UK students and graduates?
The Travel & Hospitality sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the
The Travel & Hospitality sector is extremely varied, and includes positions in tourism, air and ground travel,
and accommodations, as well as pub and restaurant jobs. It offers many fantastic careers which can take graduates all
over the world.
In such a broad sector, there is room for everyone, with some roles requiring specialist skills and qualifications,
and others providing all the necessary training on the job. Many of the skills applicable in Travel are also
applicable in Hospitality, such as customer service, business nous and language skills. Graduates looking to go into
Travel & Hospitality should be versatile, eager to take on new challenges and prepared to work from the ground
How to Get a Job in Travel & Hospitality
While many of the skills required to work in Travel & Hospitality are the same as other sectors, there are some
special skills which will help candidates get ahead:
1. Customer service
Many roles in Travel & Hospitality are customer-facing, requiring good customer service sills. Candidates
should highlight any previous experience working in customer service, and maintain a friendly, professional and
helpful manner through all their interactions with prospective employers.
2. Good communication
Clarity of expression, an appropriate tone and a tactful approach to problems or issues are all essential for good
client and customer relations in Travel & Hospitality. Graduates should maintain excellent communication through
every stage of the application process, and make sure to list their experience working with others at previous jobs,
as part of a school society or team, or on group projects.
3. Brand understanding
Close interaction with customers requires the workers to accurately and consistently represent the company's brand.
Candidates should make sure they understand the company's place in the industry and how they want to be perceived.
Employers will be impressed if a candidate can demonstrate that they have done some research into the company and have
thought about how to relate to customers.
4. Language skills
This sector often requires either travelling abroad or working closely with companies and customers from other
countries. Any foreign language skills will be a real asset for graduates looking to work in the field. Candidates may
want to brush up on a language they did at GCSE, and make sure to highlight any languages they studied at a higher
5. Time spent studying or living abroad
While certainly not a necessity to work in Travel & Hospitality, any time spent studying or living abroad shows
employers that a candidate is familiar with the requirements of travel, can adapt to new environments and is
comfortable with new people and places - all important qualities in this sector.
6. Business nous
Many entry-level jobs in Travel & Hospitality are in a business function role. These include Sales, Marketing,
Communications and Press Teams. Many skills learned in university are applicable to these office-based roles, and
graduates should make sure to provide evidence of good written communication, strong analytical skills and a logical
approach to problems. Many of these positions can offer an entry point into more highly sought-after positions down
the line.
7. Specialist knowledge
Travel & Hospitality can require extensive specialisation, and candidates should make the most of any unique
knowledge. For example, a History graduate may want to emphasize their historic understanding of a foreign locale,
while a graduate who worked at a restaurant during their studies may want to apply their knowledge of fine wines to a
career working in Hospitality. Any evidence that a candidate understands the product or service offered by the company
is advantageous.