by Sarah on 04 August 2011 13:04
Hey! Can anyone tell me exactly what the options are in regards to teaching? I think I want to go into secondary teaching... thanks!
by Katie on 04 August 2011 13:19
Hello Sarah! Well, I am going to be doing the Teach First two year graduate scheme which will mean I get my PGCE needed to teach and a masters for free! It's a charity that sends you to a school which are doing poorly, and aims to help the educational disadvantaged. I will be starting in September! I think it's a brilliant route to teaching, and really good experience!
by Mr J Cooper on 05 December 2011 12:54
Hello Katie,
Could I please bother you and request further information on the above programme?
It sounds very interesting and a colleague of mine is looking to make their way into teaching.
Any information you could provide would be fantastic.
Please contact me on the following email address:
Kindest regards,
Mr J Cooper
by Lucy on 06 March 2012 18:31
This route into teaching sounds brilliant, any chance you can let me have the details about who to contact for more info?
by shaminah on 10 March 2012 19:39
Hi katie
Could you please give me some information on how you got into that. I have been trying to get in to PGCE this year, its been very difficult as i have lacked in main stream school experience. It would be very much appreciated.
thank you
if you could contact me through email or pass on details here would be grate
by Andrew Henshaw on 05 June 2012 14:35
I have been teaching for years, my entry was the Graduate Teachers Programme. This means that I was employed by a school for a year to do my teacher training and is a great system as you get much more experience than on a PGCE
by Claire on 12 June 2012 10:00
I am finding it really difficult to get a GTP placement. I cannot afford to do a PGCE after paying for my degree but as a dance teacher I have found there are very few places that will take a dance GTP. Can you please let me know about the scheme you are doing and who to contact? I have all my qualifications except this and 10 years experience teaching at primary level and privately but desperately want to teach at Secondary or FE level. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!
by Carol on 10 July 2013 12:51
Hi Katie
Could you send the information for this scheme to my email address as my son is interested and cant seem to find a way in without going back to uni to undertake a PGCE.
Thanks you
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