Graduate Recruitment & Headhunting Scheme; £28,000 BASE
MPL Search
£28,000 + Commission > £40,000 1st yr
London, Monument, Billingsgate

Graduate Recruitment & Headhunting Scheme; £28,000 BASE
MPL Search
£28,000 + Commission > £40,000 1st yr
London, Monument, Billingsgate
Graduate Scheme LONDON £28,000
MPL Search
£28,000 + Commission > £40,000 1st yr
London, Monument, Billingsgate
Trainee Recruitment Consultant, Legal £28,000 salary + commission
MPL Search
£28,000 Starting salary, increasing to £30,000 in 6-12mths
London, Monument, Billingsgate
Legal Graduate Headhunter / Recruiter New York / London £28,000
MPL Search
London, International, Monument, Billingsgate
Advisory & Consulting - Monitoring Trustee Post-Graduate Trainee - Legal - 1 September 2025 - London
Forvis Mazars
Advisory & Consulting - Monitoring Trustee Post-Graduate Trainee - Finance - 1 Sept 2025 - London
Forvis Mazars
As of March 2025 the average starting salary for Legal & Law graduates is £29051. The average graduate starting salary in the UK in 2025 is £29789.
The latest graduate salary analysis 2025
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Legal & Law sector were posted during September and October, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
Based on our data, would suggest that it's "relatively difficult" to get a graduate job in the Legal & Law sector compared to some other industry sectors - March 2025.
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Legal & Law jobs posted to were located in Manchester and London
The Legal & Law sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the UK .
Which are the most popular industry sectors for graduates today?
Legal & Law is an extremely prestigious sector which can lead to a prominent and highly respected career. In order to succeed, graduates need to prove themselves exceptional. Candidates in this sector may want to pursue careers as Solicitors, Barristers, Office Clerks, Paralegals, or something similar. An LLB gives graduates skills in analysis and communication, and shows a high level of intelligence and commitment.
Candidates wanting to work in the sector without a Law degree may have to undertake extra study. Courses and qualifications are available for graduates to convert their degree and earn official accreditation. Qualifications such as the Graduate Diploma in Law are available at a range of universities.
Graduates should also be aware that sometimes a GDL is not required if a candidate is able to offer expert knowledge in a certain area. For example, a Science graduate may be able to bring their expertise to a firm which works closely with the energy industry. Employers in Legal & Law prize knowledge and application above all else.
Along with the standard skills, many of the attributes which employers in Legal & Law look for are unique to this sector.
Candidates should display the following:
Law is an extremely competitive field and requires excellent academic credentials. Whether a candidate has an LLB or not, a high classification is required to do an LPC, BPTC, or similar. Getting a training contract can be very difficult, as each firm has different requirements. Candidates need to be tenacious to prove that they will be an asset to the firm.
A career in Legal & Law requires exceptional communication skills. Written communication includes drafting letters and emails, and a thorough command of legal jargon and terms. Candidates should ensure that their application forms, covering letters and CVs are impeccably written, with no typos or mistakes.
Oral communication is equally important. Legal workers need to be able to speak clearly and convincingly, and communicate with clients and professionals of all levels. Candidates must demonstrate clarity of expression and maintain a formal and respectful tone throughout the entire application process.
Applicants should be confident, thorough, and personable. These attributes are directly applicable to the work in this sector, and candidates should make every effort to impress employers with their competence throughout their interactions. They must be able to demonstrate an understanding of the profession and its unique requirements.
Many of the larger companies offer training contracts through vacation schemes, which are often two week paid interviews. These schemes give candidates a chance to size the firm up, and give the firm an opportunity to thoroughly evaluate a candidates suitability. Many firms also offer internships and work placement programs, all of which can provide excellent experience for graduates and will greatly increase their chances of finding a permanent position. Graduates should make every effort to gain as much legal experience as possible before starting their job search.
One of the unique aspects of the Legal & Law sector is the importance of being able to bring more to the table than someone else. Candidates need to be prepared to offer more than the employer requires. When asked at the end of an interview if the applicant has any questions, the candidate should be prepared to take the conversation further. Graduates would be wise to take any such opportunities to respectfully show why they are the best choice.