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London, Kings Cross, Holborn
As of January 2025 the average starting salary for Sports & Recreation graduates is £21000. The average graduate starting salary in the UK in 2025 is £29575.
The latest graduate salary analysis 2025
During the past 12 months (2025), the most number of graduate jobs in the Sports & Recreation sector were posted during February and January, so these may be the most strategic months to apply.
Based on our data, would suggest that it's "challenging" to get a graduate job in the Sports & Recreation sector compared to some other industry sectors - January 2025.
In the past 12 months (2025) the most Sports & Recreation jobs posted to were located in Dublin and Kings Cross, Holborn
The Sports & Recreation sector does not appear in our Top 10 most popular sectors list for UK graduates. We don't consider it a popular career choice for graduates in the UK .
Which are the most popular industry sectors for graduates today?
Sports & Recreation is a broad sector which offers graduates opportunities to pursue many different fields, from the promotion of sports initiatives to business roles with a sporting focus. As a sector, it often uses volunteers as part of its workforce, so paid positions may be difficult to find, and salaries may start at the lower end of the pay scale, but graduates passionate about sport will find opportunities. Sport and recreational activities can often help disadvantaged and disabled people, and successful candidates can expect an exciting and rewarding career.
Sports & Recreation is a popular sector, so graduates should do everything they can to make their application stand out.
Candidates should display the following:
Jobs in Sports & Recreation often require specialised knowledge in a sport or a specific aspect of sport. Candidates need to display a passionate interest, which may encompass expert knowledge, personal technique or a deep involvement in the field.
Employers want to see passion in their applicants, so graduates should take care to demonstrate any past experience spent pursuing their interest, such as time spent training or as part of a sports team, or representing their university in a sport or recreational activity.
Some Sports & Recreation positions will require candidates to have certain qualifications or experience. This can include FA Coaching Badges, life guarding certification or evidence of a long-term commitment to a sport or recreational activity. If a graduate can demonstrate any of the above, it is an excellent way to make their application stand out.
Some roles in this sector involve promotion and publicity to bring attention to initiatives or programmes. Candidates may join teams promoting new sports or government initiatives for children and young people. Applicants must be confident and dynamic, and familiar with using social media, press releases and public events for promotion.
Graduates applying for these types of positions should provide examples of their skills, which could include involvement in student society fundraisers or socials, or other relevant experience.
Many Sports & Recreation roles, such as coaching and tutoring, involve working closely with children. Any previous experience working with young people is an asset.
This sector sees many openings for business function roles. These positions are important to ensure the sport in question is sustainable, and may include roles managing events for a large golf club, handling sales at a football club or retail management in a sports shop. Graduates should highlight any part-time work which may be relevant to the position.
Many of the organisations in the Sports & Recreation sector are also charities. Candidates should bear this in mind, and should familiarise themselves with how these types of organisations are run.