Where to look
Find a jobThere are many ways to find postings and information on prospective jobs. The easiest place to start is to have a look through our job board. We have jobs by sectors, location, company, by popularity, and if you really don't know where to start, our all jobs area is a good spot.
But we are by no means the only job board out there, so look around.
You can also try:
- careers service bulletins
- graduate directories and magazines
- professional or trade journals
- career fairs on campus
- virtual career fairs
- individual employer presentations or workshops
- individual employer websites
- social media
- industry networking meets and presentations
- local job centre
Looking for the right job for you is going to be a personal process, and depending on who you are and what you want to do, the traditional routes may not be your best shot. If there is a person you really want to work for (or with), try sending them an email to see if they'd be willing to meet you for a cup of coffee or a drink so you can chat about how they got to where they are. The worst they can say is no, and many such connections have led to something bigger down the line.
Try sending an email to someone you'd love to work with to see if they'd be willing to meet for a chat about how they got to where they are.
Use your network, as well. Maybe your father has a friend who knows a guy who works at IBM, or maybe someone who has a job you want came to speak to one of your classes in second year. Whatever it is, take advantage of those links and send some meet-and-greet emails.
If you do manage to line up a few casual meetings, or if you have a good conversation with a prospective employer at a careers fair or when inquiring in person, make sure to follow up. A polite email saying that it was a pleasure to meet them will keep your name fresh in their minds, and you never know - when they hear someone is looking for a new employee, yours might be the name they pass along. You may be surprised how many companies find new employees through word of mouth.