Identifying your skills
Find a jobAfter the structure and support of university and college, finding your first real job might seem like a daunting task. There are so many things to consider: building your CV, researching your ideal jobs, completing the application packages, nailing your interviews, and considering your options. The best way to make sure you don't get overwhelmed by the whole process is to have a plan - and that's what we are here to help with.
Consider this easy-to-use guide as careers advice from past graduates who have been in a similar position to you. It's what we wish someone had told us - honest, straightforward, and realistic.
If you don't find the help you need here, consider visiting your university careers service. They are there with all the official advice. But if you want practical real life advice and tips, then read on as we guide you through making a plan.
Make a Plan
First, you need to recognise and acknowledge the pressure you are under. This pressure comes from expectations - from yourself, from friends and fellow graduates, from school tutors, and from parents and relatives. Finding your first job after graduation is a big step and can set the tone for the rest of your career, so it is important to go into the search having considered your options, but it is also just a first step, so don't let it get so big it overwhelms you. Start with the basics and move forward from there - that's what a plan will help you to do.
Finding your first job is a big step, but it is just a first step, so don't let it get so big it overwhelms you.
We like plans, and when it comes to your job search, you should too. A plan can help keep you motivated and moving forwards when you encounter setbacks.
A plan will keep you motivated when you encounter setbacks.
Step 1: Identifying your skills
Step 2: Do Your Research
Step 3: Preparing your Job Search
Step 4: Job hunting
Step 5: Apply
Step 6: Preparing for Interviews
Step 7: Reassess your Job Hunting Approach
Step 8: Things to Consider